SoWhatIf by S E David

Published by Wrate’s Publishing

Cover by Rachel Middleton

Welcome to the first of my occasional book reviews about novels by talented indie authors.

“Doverville isn’t a town that’s going to be holding its own Pride celebrations any day soon, but Reece, on the run from his past, quickly finds acceptance down at the Kwik Auto Fix, working alongside Rob, the fluent restaurant-French-speaking boss, and Lyle, the cake-baking Southern boy. More than acceptance, however, he finds genuine friendship – then something far stronger.

Back home in England, Reece was used to messy love affairs. It provides invaluable preparation for what lies ahead, as the three friends try to work out what they really want and how to get it.”

S E David’s book SoWhatIf has many things in common with Finding Carla, such as

  • An English protagonist running away from problems at home for an American adventure.

  • Chicago

  • A guardian angel

  • Hot rods and classic cars

  • Grotty motels

  • Friendships

The differences are obvious.

  • Carla is straight and drives west in a Corvette.

  • Reece is gay and heads south on a Greyhound bus.

This book had me hooked from the start and I struggled to put it down. I raced through it in two days. I loved the humour, the sadness and the back story of the three main characters, as well as the familiarity of how I view the USA as an English person. Reece isn’t always likeable, but I found myself rooting for him and hoping he would find his Happy Ever After. I highly recommend this book, but be warned it contains sexually explicit material and strong language!

Available in paperback and on kindle.


The second book of my occasional blog posts featuring indie authors


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